Monday, May 30, 2011

Course reflection #6

My skill was improved rapidly during this course. The improved skills were communication skills, listening, speaking, reading and writing skills and it helped me a lot on other subject. Mr. Gregory’s comment was useful to improve our skills and avoid common mistakes; moreover I feel confidence about my exams where I was feeling tension when I had it in the beginning of academic year. The fox encourages us to improve our skills and he was patient with us. This course has positive reflection in my other current courses. The gained skills will help me as well in my future job. I can now hear clearly and understand each word that anyone says. My biggest challenge in my formal communications is to get band 5.5 in IELTS and pass the writing exactly because it is my Weakness point. I appreciate your great effort the fox to improve our skills faithfully.      

Blocking websites- arguments 1

The internet is large cyber world. Millions of websites are there and different age levels of people use it. A lot of them are considered bad so in the UAE Etisalat blocks some of them.
There are several arguments for blocking websites by Etisalat. The first of all is that children use the internet. Some websites have a kill video game which can badly affect them. Other arguments are that some of the websites give wrong news. For example some of these websites says Mohammed Abdo one of the most popular Arab singer was died in Paris. Also some sex websites are not allowed in our religion and are illegal because it badly affects our mind and the person still thinks about sex.
Also there are some negative points disagreeing with this point. A main point is they talk about the freedom in opinion; in some blocked websites a lot of people write real things about governments. For example, alsaha website is one of the ungoverment web sites and anyone can say what he wants to say. Another point that they say not all of blocked video web sites are bad, there are good ones like YouTube was blocked in UAE for years before its came to work again.
In conclusion, Etisalat wants the public interest they want to do their job but I think they must put it as an option for anyone who wants to see block the blocked websites.
244 words
Mohammed Abdulla

Examination - arguments 2

Examinations at HCT have both positive and negative aspects. The examination is an international way to give students the mark and the way to know how they learned in the course. In this essay, will look at whether examinations are an unfair way as used in HCT and discuss both sides of the arguments.
First of all, let us look at why the examinations are unfair. Many students believe that showing law marks causes nerves and they don’t fulfill the purpose of student because they feel unwell. A second point that it’s not fair way to graded the student. Some of them have a skill out of the class maybe in workshop or in the laboratory. A last point is some exams are poorly written and are culturally biased against non-western student. For example some written by western teachers. For western audiences are biased and non-western will get lower marks due to this point.
Now let’s look at why examinations are fair. Examination is fair because all of students take the same material, exam and are assessed equally. Another point, the tasting is a good way to determine what students have learned in the course. A last point is this will encourage students to work hard and will give them a good feedback in on their Knowledge about the subject.
In conclusion. I think examinations are a good way to grade the student. However the decision whether to have an exam or not should be from administration.
Mohammed Abdulla
247 words.

Visitors to Canada-graph 2

This line graph shows the number of visitors over 10 years from two countries Japan and Spain to Canada. Overall the number Canada visitors from these two countries increased in the last 10 years.
The line chart starts in 1996; there was a big difference   between the numbers from Spanish visitor to the Japanese visitors there were close to 800 thousand Japanese when the Spain visitors were around 250 thousand in this year. Then the number of Japan visitors was still the same until 2001 while there was a big increase in Spain visitors was around 600 thousand. In 2003 the Spain number was still the same while the Japanese decreased to less than 500 thousand. In 2004 both of them grew and in 2006 600 thousand the Spanish visitors came, while a few more Japanese came.
In conclusion, the number of Japanese visitor outnumbered the Spanish visitors’ number by 50%.
Mohammed Abdulla
151 words

Workers coming to Dubai-graph 1

The graph shows the change in the number of workers from the UK and Canada coming to work in Dubai between1990 to 2006. Overall there was a huge increase in the number of workers.
In1990 there were 10 thousand Canadian workers who came to work in Dubai. There were 50 thousand British workers. The number of workers increased between 1992 and 1994 from 15 thousand Canadians to 40 thousand. Also the UK workers increased to 70 thousand. In 1996 the number of workers came close to each others at 60 thousand each. In 2000 there were 85 thousand Canadian workers while the number was still the same for UK workers. In 2006 the number grew and reached 90 thousand workers from Canada and the UK.
In conclusion, Dubai became an important trade centre in the last 20 years and a lot of people dreamed to come here and get a chance, as a result the number is still increasing.

Mohammad Abdulla
159 words

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Using mobile phone while driving ( Argument #5 )

    The UAE has the second highest percentage in number of accident. 15%caused by using mobile phone while driving. Some people thinking if the government makes a law that using mobile phone while driving is illegal when you are driving. Are they right?
If they making the law police can stop anyone and give him a ticket with a black point, so the driver will thinking hundreds times before use the mobile phone. Another point that the percentage will decrease, if they don’t use the mobile their attention will be more on the street and no more accidents caused by using phone. Traffic fines will help to pay for safety classes. If someone attends to the class some of his black point will erase.
What’s happen if you have an important call while you driving? you can use headset. You can stop your car outside the road and you can still talk from your car. For example if your wife want something from market you can stop and talk to her then you complete your way. Also businessman needs to talk with others while there driving to an important appointment. Finally there is no research tell us that its dangerous or not as we know we know it’s so dangerous.
In conclusion, the mobile phone is very important and useful if you use it in the right way, if not you will have a lot of accident and I don’t hope that to anyone
Mohammed Albloushi

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

North America

The table shows information about North American countries; Canada, Mexico, and United States.  In this essay I will talk about some of similarities and differences between these countries.
The first similarity is religion.  They are almost the same, protestant and Roman Catholic.  Next similarity is the literacy rate; US and Canada have the same rate of 97% and Mexico is 92%.  One of the common factors between US and Canada is speaking English.  However in Canada they speak French too, but in Mexico they speak Spanish.  The land area is almost equal in US Canada; it is more than 9,200,000 Sqm for both countries.  The area of Mexico is less; about 1,900,000 Sqm.  Mexico has the lowest unemployment rate by 3.2%.  US also have the same problem by 5.5%.  But Canada is the highest in this rate with 7%.  The exports of each country are different.  In US they export automobiles, industrial supplies, and agricultural products.  In Canada they export motor vehicles and aircraft.   Silver and oil are exported from Mexico.  The population is very different in US; they have around 296 million people.  In Mexico they are 107 million people.  In Canada there are 33 million people live there.
In conclusion, it is not fact that countries with same geographic location have the same life style and features.  In the case of North America the religion was common but we see some differences in languages and other aspects.
Mohammed Abdulla                                    

Spending on leisure products in the UK overall

The two graphs show differences in spending on leisure products in the UK by age groups (20-30 age group and 50-60 age group). The highest amount spent in both groups goes for electronic, equipment and the least money is spent on photography. This due to differences in interest and abilities of each age group.
The highest amount spent in both groups goes for electronics and equipment; 41% for the first group and 38% for the second one. For the 20 – 30 age group, the second level of spending is on sport purchases with 20%, after that the books and magazines with percentage of 16%.  This group spends only 7% on gardening and 11% goes for other hobbies.  The least money is spent on photography, 5% for the two groups.
For the 50 – 60 age groups, the second level of spending is on books and magazines purchases with 28%, after that the gardening with a percentage of 16%.  Sports and photography are the least to be purchased as each is only 5% of total spending.  The final 8% goes for other hobbies.
In conclusion, people in UK spend the most on electronics and equipment while spending only 5% on photography.

Mohammed Abdulla
213 words

The obesity in UAE

Obesity is one problem which faces the UAE people.  Around half of the Emirati people are overweight.  This is a big problem and has an effect on the country.
          We can divide the causes into three main parts; diet, education, and lifestyle.  A lot of people like to have fast food as a favorite meal forgetting that it is oily and it affects on them.  Also, the traditional food like “ Harees and Rice” has a lot of oil.  With the modern life and office work, people are moving less and becoming less active.  Many young people prefer to eat outside the home during the day and as we know the restaurant food is not healthy.  Another point is the lack of exercise because it’s not popular although we have nice weather in winter and modern gym halls in the UAE.  The education is one of the main causes.  In my country many people lack knowledge about good nutrition.  Also, we feed the children too much which is a problem for their health.
          If we want to solve these problems we must change our culture and we must take care of ourselves.  The minister of health must do awareness projects for people about fat and its effects on our life.  We must be aware about which kind of food we eat and avoid fast food restaurants.  Also, people must do exercises daily between 30 – 60 minutes. Young people shouldn’t eat from outside the home too much because the children will do the same in the future
          In conclusion, we must take care of our health because it is the most important thing in our life.  If it is gone, it will not come back again.  These solutions must be used to solve this problem. 

Mohammed Abdulla
290 words

Area of Emiratis

The pie chart shows seven Emirates in the United Arab Emirates by square kilometers.  Overall, the total areas are around 77,700 square kilometers with Abu Dhabi making up the majority at all and Ajman the minority.
          First, Abu Dhabi covers the largest area of UAE; around 67,340 km2, which is considered over half total land area.  Dubai is the second in size which encompasses 5 percent of the country.  The other two parts are Sharjah and Ras Alkhaima .  They are about 5.5% of total land area.  Fujairah, Umm Al Quaian and Ajman are the smallest.  The together cover 2.8 % of UAE area.
          In summary, Abu Dhabi is the largest Emirate in UAE, with an area of almost double that of Dubai. However, Dubai is one of the most important shopping cities around the world.

140 words

UAE marriage fund

Marriage is one of the most important concepts in the United Arab Emirate’s society. Long time ago, the marriage did not face obstacles as the marriage nowadays. The marriage fund was established to help young people to get married. This is a complex problem with a lot of serious causes and effects.

There are many reasons why we have this fund. One of the most important thing, marriages are expensive. Nowadays, it costs 200 thousand Dhs at least, that’s a big number. Another thing facing the young man is the loan. If you want to marry you must connect with the bank and the life will be hard with the big bank interest. It’s a very big problem. The last important cause is men marry non-Emirati women so the number of unmarried Emirati woman will increase.
The UAE marriage fund does great work, has a good effect and one of these is to provide money to the man to help him with the wedding cost. They give you 70 thousand DHS. Another reason is that the number of weddings will grow. In last 10 years the average of age of marriage decreased from 26-30 to 22-27. The last effect is that more UAE women will marry and this helps to decrease the number of spinsters (with no husband).
In conclusion, although weddings are hard, it can be easier with the UAE marriage fund. There are no more big problems in the weddings with their loan.
240 words

Watching TV too much

The child today has many ways to have fun at home and enjoy their time. TV is one of the most popular for children, but how we can solve the negative points for watching TV a long time? I will outline some problems and solutions connected with seeing too much TV.
There are many problems facing parents in the home with children. One of the biggest problems of TV watching is the effect on eyesight. A lot of child These days wear glasses and have problems with their eyes. Another issue is the effect on studies. The child loses time watching TV so there are no time for study. A final difficult point that is the child will be alone and not be a communicative person. If the child does not play in the garden he will not have the basic skills in any sports and no hobbies to do, so they cannot make friends with others.
Now I will outline some possible solutions for this problem. One answer is that the parents can control the child, for example, it’s fair if they have 2 hours to study then one hour TV or play in a garden. Another solution is to limit access, not all of TV channel are good to watch, we should choose them.
In conclusion, I think we can control our child’s life by making a schedule and how to spend their time in a good way just by taking care of them. We can prepare our child to be something important in the future.  
Mohammed Abdulla
255 words

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How firms choose their staff

In this life if you want to live happily, you have to get a good job as much as you can. Before joining some companies or some government parts you must have an interview. Now let’s see how firms choose their staff.

First, the positions are advertised in the media. Second, the applications are sorted. Then unsuitable candidates are rejected. After that the candidates are invited to attend interview. The candidates are interviewed; also a short list of suitable people is made. Then candidates are informed they are rejected and came in another appointment, however, the remaining candidates are interviewed again. Finally, the selection is made and the successful candidates are informed.

I know there are some difficult steps, and not in all time it will come ok, but I hope it will come easily and you can pass the interview.

Mohammed Abdulla
141 words

Black Hole

One day in London there was one someone working an extra time in his office, and the time was near to 12 o’clock.  He was working there since 7 years and he loved his job. He felt some tired and he decided to make a photo copy for some paper and then go back to his home to have a sleep.

  When he started to copy, the copier didn’t work; he thought there was no enough paper or ink. He kicked the machine and its came back to work, but it printed a big black hole in the paper, he put it next to him.  He put a cup on the paper but it falls down.  He got surprised. He took the hole to candy machine and passed his hand through the paper and his hand inside he took a kit kat.  It’s easy and beautiful way.  He thought if he couldn’t pass the closed door where one the safe inside and he will be right. He put it on the door and moved his hand inside and opened the door. He did the same with the safe he started earn the money but he was greeded and think to go in all his body inside.  He did it but nobody stick to paper so it fallen down and he got stuck inside

This is an imaginary story but it’s a great lesson to us not to be agreed and take the enough money and go away

Mohammed Abdulla
246 words 

Sunday, January 2, 2011

A Letter Mistake

   This story is about how misspelling one letter led to a big misunderstanding. In 2002 in Holland, a couple received an invitation to Abu Dhabi festival on the Corniche, so they accepted the invitation and the wife would come late one day because she was busy.

 The husband had the tickets and the visas. They agreed that the husband will go there and arrange everything until she arrives next day; he took a five star hotel in the tourism club and opened the window. He opened the laptop and he sent an email to his wife to tell her that the weather is very hot and he sent it to a wrong email address. He noticed his mistake and corrected it carefully and had a short sleep because it was the midday. On the other hand, there was an old woman whose husband died in the same day; she was in the graveyard when the email was received. When they went back to her home with her son and checked the email she was surprised and her heart could not stand anymore and she fell down. Her son came quickly, but could not do anything, because she was already pass away.

 Mr. Jones’ mistake was small but the reaction was very big and somebody lost their life.

Mohammed Abdulla Albloushi.  
215 words

Eventful Babysitting

A couple of years ago I was asked to babysit for friends of my parents. They were putting children to bed when I arrived.

 I was quite happy, but from then on, everything went wrong for a start I had turned on TV when the five years child woke up. I was telling her a short story when the other baby woke up and started crying. As if that wasn’t enough, I picked her up and then the six year old got up and went to the bathroom where she spilled shampoo all over floor. And then to cap it all, I cleaned the bathroom and the baby wanted to be changed.

They did not go back to sleep until the film on TV had finished. While I sat on bus on the way back to home I promised to myself I would never go out babysitting again.

Mohammed Abdulla Albloushi
150 words

Instant Coffee

Coffee is one of the most popular hot drinks around the world. There are many types of coffee depending on its origin and how it’s prepared. I am going to describe the process of producing instant coffee from beans to jars.

First, beans are picked and dried. Second, the beans are roasted. After, coffee beans are roasted and then cooled rapidly. After that, the beans are mixed with hot water and the mixture is strained. Moreover, the mixture is frozen. Afterward, the frozen liquid will be grinded and then dried in a vacuum. Finally, the coffee is packed into jars and exported to other countries.

Instant coffee is not quite as good as real coffee, but a lot of people are addicted to it and they cannot feel ok without having some of it in the daily life. For me it’s ok if I drink it or not it’s the same.

Mohammed Abdulla
151 words

Road Accident

About six months ago, I was invited to visit friends in the country. I was looking forward to it and set out early. From then on, everything went wrong.

I had just turned into the main road when I crashed into another car, and then I reversed the car when a cyclist came along and rode into the side of my car. As if that wasn’t enough I got out of the car and a motorcyclist ran into my car door and fell down. And finally to cap it all, when I started to cross the road to help the cyclist a taxi came and knocked me down.

 I could not move again too much until they took my leg out of the plaster. Now I lie in the hospital and I promise myself that I will sell my car as soon as possible.

145 words
Mohammed Albloushi