Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Spending on leisure products in the UK overall

The two graphs show differences in spending on leisure products in the UK by age groups (20-30 age group and 50-60 age group). The highest amount spent in both groups goes for electronic, equipment and the least money is spent on photography. This due to differences in interest and abilities of each age group.
The highest amount spent in both groups goes for electronics and equipment; 41% for the first group and 38% for the second one. For the 20 – 30 age group, the second level of spending is on sport purchases with 20%, after that the books and magazines with percentage of 16%.  This group spends only 7% on gardening and 11% goes for other hobbies.  The least money is spent on photography, 5% for the two groups.
For the 50 – 60 age groups, the second level of spending is on books and magazines purchases with 28%, after that the gardening with a percentage of 16%.  Sports and photography are the least to be purchased as each is only 5% of total spending.  The final 8% goes for other hobbies.
In conclusion, people in UK spend the most on electronics and equipment while spending only 5% on photography.

Mohammed Abdulla
213 words

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