Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Blackberry bold Vs Iphone

Do you have an old phone? And you want to replace it with a new one? You want to know which one is the best. Let’s take the most popular smart phone nowadays I phone and Blackberry bold. I am going to write about the similarities and differences between them.
There are some distinct similarities between I phone and blackberry. The first similarity that the both have a high resolution screen ; The Iphone 960 x640 pixels and the blackberry 480x360. Another similar thing that’s the design, both of them have the same weight and but Blackberry is thicker. Yet another similarity is the technology that’s used in Iphone allows you to use internet browser, MSN messenger and email. The same case with Blackberry, that’s make them smart phones.
Although there are some similarities between Iphone and blackberry there are some also 2 major differences, the first difference the type of screen, Iphone have a touch screen whereas blackberry have a normal one. Another major difference that’s the keyboards. Blackberry has a keyboard with buttons and Iphone doesn’t have.
Overall, the similarities outweigh the differences. However, in my opinion Iphone has more technology and it’s more interest than the Blackberry

Mohammed Abdulla Albloushi

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